This Too Will Pass

This Too Shall Pass

Two weeks ago I would have celebrated my anniversary. I wish I could tell you it was a good relationship, but from the beginning it was full of nothing but lies, manipulation and abuse. Unfortunately I refused to see or hear the warning signs, even when loved ones tried to help me. It took me three years to gain the […]

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From Rebel to Redeemed

Are you Rebellious?

Have you ever thought that you knew better than God? I spent a lifetime thinking I knew best and refusing to even consult him on matters. When I first met my ex, God tried to get my attention. He and everyone else wanted to warn me that I was being deceived, but I refused to hear it. Short of striking […]

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Do You Ignore Your Loved Ones

Do you care?

I was reminded this week of just how short life can be. It’s important to cherish the ones we are with and let them know how much we love and appreciate them while we’re with them. We never know when we might not have those little moments together again. Death can come like a thief in the night and leave […]

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You Are Blessed

How Can You Be a Blessing?

Do you take life for granted? It’s so easy to do so! To long for the things we don’t have. I recently read this poem and it really touched me. We have so much to be thankful for in the United States. There are so many struggling and doing worse than the rest of us. I hope this poem blesses […]

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Expand Your Horizons

I spent an inspiring weekend at The Cove. It was a time of learning, growth and fellowship. I attended the Christian Devotions Boot Camp to enhance my craft. Regardless of our interest, craft, hobby or career we need to constantly be learning and growing. As a musician I spent years taking private lessons, studying and practicing my craft. As a […]

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Laughter is Good for the Soul

The other day I asked my grandmother how she slept. “On the bed,” she answered. I couldn’t help but laugh. That was not the answer I expected. She has a way of coming up with answers I would never anticipate, and it makes me laugh. It’s a reminder that laughter is good for our overall well being. I was amazed […]

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Lend A Helping Hand

I spend a lot of time with my grandmother and as a caregiver. It makes me feel bad when work or other obligations limit the time I have to check on my grandmother. It is so easy to get lonely and feel as if no one cares anymore. The other day we returned to her home from physical therapy. We’d […]

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Desires of the Heart

Have you ever wanted something so bad you could taste it? Then you wonder why you can’t have it? I know I have! I grew up knowing my parents loved one another. I saw it in the way they interacted. Of course as an adolescent I was embarrassed that my parents still held hands and would kiss one another good […]

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Feed Your Soul without Words

“Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, O Jehovah, among the nations, And will sing praises unto thy name.” Psalms 18:49 (ASV) Do you ever have days when your heart is so heavy you don’t even know how to pray? I have many days like that. There are even times when I have no idea where the heaviness is coming […]

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Who Will You Serve?

Can you imagine living to be 103? What would you do if you had that long to live? On Wednesday {February 1}, George Beverly Shea celebrated his 103 birthday. He has lived an extraordinary life serving God with Dr. Billy Graham Cliff Barrows. This team has ministered around the world for over half a century. God has blessed all three […]

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Inasmuch As You Did It To One of These

The other day I was sitting in a restaurant minding my own business. I looked up to find a man approaching. My first reaction was to shy away. His clothes were torn and ragged, his speech was slurred and his eyes were blood shot. He was asking for money. Of course I didn’t want to give him any, but my […]

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