Behind the Song Sunday: Wherever He Leads I’ll Go

Baylus Benjamin McKinney was at the top of his career when he traveled to the Alabama Sunday School Convention in January 1936.  The year before the Heflin, Louisiana native was named editor for the Baptist Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. At the convention, the author of such hymns as “The Nail Scarred Hand”, “Speak to My Heart”, […]

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Wellness Tuesday: 9 More Options to Fries

            I shared my struggle with finding healthy alternatives to french fries.  I found a few more options to try. Baked apple chips Squash chips Fruit Salsa and Cinnamon chips Eggplant Chips Spinach chips Baked pickles—I love pickles but I’m not sure about this one.  Again, I’ll try it once. Shamrock chips Baked Polenta Fries […]

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Pulling Out of the Slump

Go from being depressed.....

I’ve suffered from depression the majority of my life. In my case it is inherited and shows up in all personality test I’ve taken. Each day I have to make a concerted effort to pull out of my natural inclinations. It’s not always easy, but I find that I always feel better when this is the case. Some ways to […]

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The Fruit of the Spirit

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Galatians 5:22-25 Have there been times […]

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Surrendering Your Heart

If you Seek God, He Will Be There

When I was involved in my abusive relationship, I refused to surrender the relationship. I was so afraid of losing this man that the more he pulled away; the stronger I tried to hang on. This did not bring him any closer, which made me more and more desperate. I began to resent the person I’d become. God wants us […]

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On Eagle Wings

On one of my trips recently, I saw surprised to see a beautiful eagle flying among the trees.  His wings were outstretched as he soared among the tree.  He was such a beautiful sight, freely flying in his natural habitat. I was immediately reminded of the following passage: “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they […]

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Widen Your Horizons

Are you willing to try new things? My mother and I travelled half way across the country last December when my brother graduated from seminary.  In celebration of this momentous occasion my brother took us to several decadent restaurants.  We don’t normally eat French, German, Indian and Mediterranean foods.  However, we were open to these different cultures and foods.  While […]

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Beware of Deception

I learned the hard way that deceptive people look just like the rest of us.  In my situation this person wore a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde face.  Around myself and two other people, this person was their true self.  For a long time I was blinded, but I soon realized I was dealing with a devilish person.  However, in front of […]

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When God Answers Our Prayers

“Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 (KJV) Are there things in your life you yearn for? Maybe a family? A job? Time to yourself? We […]

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Exuding Hospitality

Are you hospitable?

Over the weekend I spent time with my cousin. At first sight we seem like an odd pair. After all she’s the same age as my grandmother. However, we’ve been good friends for over a decade. My cousin Hazel has the gift of hospitality. She instantly makes you feel comfortable in her presence. When you enter her home you know […]

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Looking Beyond What We See

Gorgeous Sunrise

Guest Posts by Glenda Mills I woke up to fog this morning. Though the mountains are just beyond the trees, it is impossible to see them. I think about times past when circumstances clouded my vision…making it impossible to see or comprehend what was just beyond my foggy experience. Sometimes our spiritual vision becomes unclear. We believe God is there, […]

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A Song For All Ages

Jesus Loves You

One of the first songs we learn to sing as children is “Jesus Loves Me.” When I go into the nursing homes and daycares to perform, for music therapy or a music session I always end with Jesus Loves Me. I’ve discovered several things: 1. Everyone knows this song 2. The song seems to resonate and touch a chord with […]

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“Lovest Thou Me?”

Have you ever denied Christ? Peter denied Jesus three times the night Christ was arrested. Afterwards the disciple was horrified to realize he’d done the very thing Jesus foretold. Earlier that evening while the disciple were partaking of {what we now call} the Last Supper, Jesus began to prepare the men for what was to come. “Then Jesus told them, […]

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Remembering Those that Perished At Sea

Titanic survivors in lifeboats awaiting rescue

These were people living out their everyday life. In third class, most of the passengers were emigrants headed to the New World in hopes of a better life. In second class, we had what today would be considered the average, middle class person. First class was filled with the opulence of grandeur. The most elite and richest people were on […]

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The Thorn and The Rose

The other day while walking, I noticed a beautiful rose bush in full bloom. The beauty of the roses touched my heart, but I was also reminded that to enjoy such beauty, there were thorns along the stem to be dealt with. So much of life is the same way. To reach the beauty in our lives, we must overcome […]

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Let Us Rejoice….HE IS RISEN

Happy Easter! Easter is one of my favorite holidays. The day we remember that Jesus did not stay dead, but He Arose! 1 Corinthians 1:18 says, “For the word of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us who are saved it is the power of God.” The cross cleansed our sin, but the resurrection gives us […]

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Jesus Made the Ultimate Sacrifice

Today is Good Friday, the day Christians remember the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. We often talk and sing about Jesus being on the cross, but there are times when the magnitude of His sacrifice does not seem to register. Passion Plays always bring me to tears, but they do not do justice to the depth of suffering Jesus […]

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Spring Brings a Time of Renewel

Can you believe it’s April? I love springtime. Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth. The weather is beautiful, the flowers are blooming and the temperature is just right. The downside to all this beauty is the pollen and effect it has on your allergies. In the spring and fall I can’t use the excuse “It’s too hot” or […]

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How Beautiful Heaven Will Be

The Lord Will Be Our Light

I had the joy of listening to Rev. Don Piper speak on Sunday evening. He is the author of 90 Minutes in Heaven, where he shares his story of being hit by a semi-truck, died and went to heaven for 90 minutes, as a minister friend prayed over him, before being sent back to earth. His story was a reminder […]

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Reconnecting with Old Friends

Old Friends Together Again

When I began researching my family history, I interviewed my grandparents in-depth to learn more about their life and experiences. My Papa told me about his years in the Army. There were many stories about one friend he had. With the invention of the internet I decided to search for this old military buddy. We called and after fifty years […]

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