The Angels view of Christmas: Fear Not

The angel has appeared twice already to Zacharias and Mary, but He is about to appear a third time.  This time to Joseph, who is engaged to Mary. Imagine Joseph’s shock and hurt when Mary told him she was expecting.  Scripture tells us that he was trying to decide what to do with her and to put her away quietly. […]

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Behind the Christmas Carol: The Coventry Carol

The Coventry Carol is an English Christmas Carol that dates back to the 16th century. The carol was traditionally performed in Coventry as part of the mystery play The Pageant of the Shearmen and Tailors in England.  The play depicts the Christmas story found in the Gospel of Matthew. “The carol is the second of three songs included in the […]

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Suffering for Others Sins

  When I discovered I had to move, I was angry. I paid my rent every month on time. I was moving not because of something I did, but because of something the owners did. I was the only one suffering the consequences for their selfish decisions. The news was not new to them, because their actions had caused it. […]

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The Lord Pushes Us

I was recently talking to a friend about how my student loan payment had increased dramatically and I wasn’t sure how I was going to make ends meet.  We began to brainstorm ideas and options to relieve this stress and bring in some additional income. During the discussion, I was sharing my heart with her and some of the dreams […]

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Behind the Song: Mary, Did You Know

             Mary, Did You Know? is a popular Christmas song that was written by Mark Lowry and Buddy Greene.  The song originated from Lowry’s desire to ask Mary, “what was it like to raise God?” Mary Lowry is a popular comedienne that has also been a member of the Gaither Vocal Band off and on […]

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Behind the Hymn: I Saw Three Ships

  I Saw Three Ships {Come Sailing In} is a traditional and popular Christmas carol from England. The hymn was published in 1833 by William Sandys in his book, Christmastide: Its History, Festivities And Carols.   However, it is believed that earlier versions may have been around from the 17th Century. Other sources believe the hymn originated from an English folk […]

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Zacharias and Elisabeth: They Were Good

In our series eyewitness to Christmas, we viewed the events of Christ birth from the view point of Mary, the Mother of Jesus and his earthly father, Joseph. But, there were many others that witnessed and lived these events.  This group included an older, mature couple that was related to Mary.   This couple gave birth to the forerunner of Christ […]

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Hall of Faith: Mary Magdalene, Served Jesus

In discussing who in the New Testament deserves to be listed in the Hall of Faith, Mary Magdalene seems a very logical choice. Other than Mary, the Mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene is listed among the women who were the most faithful followers of Jesus. Her name derives from Luke 8:2 which says “Mary, called Magdalene.” The town of Magdala […]

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Gifts of the Spirit: Craftsman and Composers

  As we reach our last two weeks on spiritual gifts study, we are going to cover spiritual gifts that we often take for advantage or neglect today. These are two spiritual gifts found in the Old Testament.  Both of these have to do with our artistic abilities. Craftsman—these are special abilities that are given to artists.   Jesus was a […]

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Hall of Faith: Mary, Always Had Faith

No one mentioned in the New Testament is actually listed in the Hall of Faith. However, there are some in the New Testament that definitely deserves to be in the New Testament. More than anyone would be Mary and Joseph, the earthly parents of Jesus. They truly walked in faith and believed when the angel appeared to them. In the […]

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