One Last Chance: Lot’s Wife
The story of Lot and his wife are interspersed with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Lot was the nephew to Abraham. He and his uncle travelled for a while, before going their separate ways. Lot and his wife saw the faith and power of God during their time with Abraham and later when they were saved from captivity.
Lot and his family lived in Sodom for a number of years. They were surrounded by wickedness and evil.
Two angels went to investigate the evil in these cities and were met by Lot. The men of the city surrounded the house of Lot and demanded the men be sent out “so we may know them.”
Lot refused but offered his two virgin daughters. The people did not want them and commanded Lot and his family to leave.
The angel told Lot, “escape for thy life, look not behind thee…”. The angel told him to escape to the mountain, but Lot argued harm would come to him and begged to go to the small town of Bela {later known as Zoar}. He and his family then headed towards the town of Zoar.
Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed with “brimstone and fire” from the Lord.
Then Lot’s wife “looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.”
So what can we learn from Lot’s wife?
- We can easily be deceived by the “ways of the world”
- When we focus on what’s behind us we can’t focus on what’s ahead
- When we focus on the past, we are stopped in the present
- God protects the righteous
- Disbelief can destroy us
- When we disobey God there are consequences
- Punishment can be sudden and final
- We can “act” as if we’re saved, but God sees and knows the heart
For others in the One Last Chance Series:
Adam and Eve, Cain, Sodom and Gomorrah
For the Second Chances series:
Old Testament: Jonah, Job, Samson, Rahab, David and Bathsheba, Moses, Joseph, and Jacob
New Testament: Zacchaeus, Woman Caught in Adultery, The Prodigal Son, The Thief on the Cross, Saul to Paul, John Mark, and Peter