The Disciples: James
James was the brother of John. He was the son of Zebedee and his mother is believed to be Salome.
The name James is a version of Jacob, meaning to supplant.
James is always listed first, leading to the belief he was the older of the two.
James and John, along with their father, were fishermen. The men were fishing when Jesus called them. {Matthew 4:21-22; Mark 1:19-20}
James and John were named Sons of Thunder by Jesus.
He is often referred to as James the Greater, to differentiate him from other apostles named James.
James, along with his brother John, and Peter were part of Jesus inner circle and witnessed many miracles unknown to the other disciples.
James is considered the first of the disciples and apostles to be martyred.
“Then he [Herod] killed James the brother of John with the sword.” {Acts 12:2}
Historical records state his martyrdom occurred in 44AD. There is debate whether his death occurred in Jerusalem or Spain, for which he is the patron Saint.