One Last Chance: Uzzah
The Ark of the Covenant was sacred. There were certain rules God laid out about who could touch the ark and how.
Uzzah and his brother, Ahio, drove the cart on which the ark was placed. This was when King David requested the ark brought to Jerusalem.
On their journey the oxen stumbled and Uzzah reached out to steady the ark with his hand. Uzzah died immediately.
David was displeased, but also feared moving the ark due to God’s wrath. The ark was placed in the house of a Gittite in the area. Three months later, God blessed the Gittitie and the ark was moved.
So what can we learn from Uzzah?
- God’s ways are sacred
- God is to be feared
- God is to be revered
- We have to follow the rules God provides
- What seems like a good deed may still be breaking God’s law
- God will bless those that do His will
For others in the One Last Chance Series:
Adam and Eve, Cain, Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot’s Wife, Er and Onan, The Israelite Children, Korah, Nadab and Abihu, King Saul
For the Second Chances series:
Old Testament: Jonah, Job, Samson, Rahab, David and Bathsheba, Moses, Joseph, and Jacob
New Testament: Zacchaeus, Woman Caught in Adultery, The Prodigal Son, The Thief on the Cross, Saul to Paul, John Mark, and Peter