To Medicate or not Medicate
After I saw the negative health effects lithium had on my body, I resisted taking medicine for my depression.
At the time of my initial diagnosis, most of my family were also against medication. This changed a few years later as we all dealt with Daddy’s struggle with cancer.
When we saw how medication helped Daddy with his lifelong battle, other family members also began to take medication for depression.
I remained resistant, especially years later when I tried several different prescriptions. The medicines prescribed caused me to want to sleep. With work and other obligations, I knew this wasn’t going to work.
Instead of discussing the issue with my counselor, I took things into my own hands and stopped taking the medicine. First, I don’t recommend this method to anyone. Discuss the issue with a licensed counselor. Secondly, I did not give the medication the necessary time to get into my system.
However, there is one thing someone said to me that struck a chord. This person said, “instead of hiding behind a drug, deal with how you feel.” I’ve never forgotten that and have struggled to do just that over the years.
This journey has taken time and not always been easy. The fact that it was complicated by domestic violence and a rebellious lifestyle only made matters worse for a while. Yet, as I began to get my life in order I slowly began to see a change within me. In time I did learn how to deal with my feelings, but this was far from easy.
Photos Courtesy of MorgueFile