In the Struggle: The Calories in Eating Out

Recently, I was entering my calories into MyFitnessPal. I was shocked by how many calories were involved in a simple meal at a chain restaurant. Yes, I know that eating out is not as healthy as cooking at home.   Cooking is not my forte, and although I do cook, I don’t feel like cooking every night.  There are just times […]

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In the Struggle: 7 Ways Exercise Helps Stress

There are some circumstances that are more difficult than others.   Lately, I’ve been dealing with a curve ball I never expected. There are many benefits to exercise, but I’ve seen the importance of exercise when dealing with stressful situations. However, I’ve discovered that even during these difficult times I feel better and have a better attitude when I decide to […]

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In the Struggle: My Choice

For years I have struggled with my weight.   I would take one step forward and five steps back.   I seemed to be making more changes inside of myself, than on the outside. When I began First Place 4 Health, I knew I had so many more changes to make and wondered if I’d ever find the success I was looking […]

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Struggle Tuesday: Importance of Support Groups

  Last Monday evening I attended the celebration for our First Place 4 Health group. When I began attending the group, I knew no one there.  However, I quickly made friends. We faced many ups and downs during this session, but together we continued to take small steps together to reach the end of our journey. The journey of weight […]

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