The Power of Music Therapy

Music Therapy is identified as “a treatment…in which the subject is encouraged to use

Music expresses what can't be said

Music expresses what can’t be said

sounds and singing to relieve emotions, or in which music is used as treatment.”

The field of music therapist {which must be board certified} has exploded over the last 20


MT is an expressive therapy using music to help individuals improve their physical and mental health, including all facets of wellness including emotional, social, aesthetic, and spiritual health.

“Music therapy has many faces,” said Kimmo Lehtonen, a clinical music therapist in Finland. “Music has a close relationship with unconscious emotions, which are activated by musical movement. To me, music represents a microcosmos which has a close relationship

A music therapy session

A music therapy session

to our inner feelings. These feelings are so strong, they’re meaningful even if patients cannot remember who they are.”

Music Therapists are found in nearly every area of the helping professions.

There are two types of music therapy. Active therapy has the therapist working on actively making music such as songwriting, reminiscing, rhythmic entertainment , processing and relaxation. This allows the patient to be creative and expressive through the art of music. While receptive therapy is a more relaxed setting in which the patient can draw to music, listen or meditate.

Music therapy has been used in all aspects of life from prenatal care to helping loved.

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