Negative Self Talk
“You’re stupid,” I’d heard that and numerous other put downs over the years of domestic violence.
So much so that I began to believe it.
Anything I did something that internal voice would whisper “You’re stupid” or “I can’t believe you’re so dumb.”
That voice plaque me and continued to keep me down.
My self-esteem and self-confidence were so eroded that I believed that small voice.
I didn’t realize at the time that the devil thrives on this darkness. He wants us to believe these lies, but it’s not true.
None of us are perfect, but we can try to do the best we can. We will make mistakes, but we can’t beat ourselves up over it. God wants so much more for us than to believe these lies from the deceiver.
The first step was recognizing these whisperings for the lies they are.
Even once I began to recognize these lies, I was still years away from squelching them.
Satan will do anything necessary to make us believe these lies.
Photos Courtesy of MorgueFile