Behind the Song: Let’s Just Praise the Lord

This month we will be exploring popular praise hymns from the last few decades.

Let’s Just Praise the Lord was written by Bill and Gloria Gaither.

Another beautiful song by Bill and Gloria Gaither

In their book Something Beautiful, Gloria shares that one evening at one of their concerts in 1972, the praise and applause moved from praising God to praising them. This led them to become very uncomfortable, as the importance was on praising the Lord and not them.

That night they discussed the need for a song that thanked everyone for coming and their support but turned the praise back to the Lord. They sat down and wrote Let’s Just Praise the Lord.

There are times when the entire song is sung and other times when only the chorus is sung.

Gloria Gaither went on to write that at times they have been given a difficult time for using the word “just”. But one letter writer, who shared a tragic loss, stated “I am discovering that we ‘just’ praise the Lord when there’s nothing else we can do.”

Do you praise the Lord through the triumphs and tragedies of life?


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