Rebel to Redeemed: In God’s Will
Finally, after six years I began to feel that I was in God’s will again. I don’t know why He kept me waiting that long, but He does. He has not revealed to me yet, what He was preparing me for.

Waiting on God’s will isn’t easy, but we need to remain in constant prayer and communion with God while we wait
My life finally began to move forward and I started in a career that I loved. I was working with senior adults and using my talents and creative abilities in a new and exciting way.
God was opening doors and I was sailing through them.
I could see and feel that I was in God’s way. I was floating on a cloud and in never, never land. Life had never been or felt so rosy.
I believed that because I worked for a Christian organization, there would be no trouble or issues.
I may have been in God’s will, but life isn’t a fairy tale. Yet, after all I’d been through that’s exactly how I felt.
Until life came crashing down.