Armor of God Series: Shield of Faith
When a warrior goes into battle, his shield is his first line of defense. Shields were usually large enough to protect the entire body and often made of wood or bronze.
The Ephesian Studies says, “taking up the great shield of your faith, your reliance altogether on your Lord, that look wholly outward, Godward, which is the essence of faith, and which gives it the saving power it has; on which you shall (remember the positive promise) be able to quench all the missiles of the Evil One, those burning, “kindled” missiles of his, which can enflame the heart with anger, or with lust, “set on fire of hell.”
Satan is constantly firing one dart of temptation after another at us in hopes of bringing us down. As Christians, the blood of Christ is our first defense. Christ blood is our salvation and all we have to do is ask for it. Once we recognize the dart of temptation we need to turn to God for help.
We are told to “quench all firey darts”.
Just as the soldier firmly held the shield in front of them, we have to strongly hold the word of God in our mind and faith in God’s power in our hearts. With God’s help we can hold up that sheild of faith and he will provide the power and strength to resist temptation. After all, faith is the absolute conviction that God will do what He promised.
A Commentary on Ephesians says, “The more ways in which a shield is used, the more suitable is the illustration. The faith intended here is that through which we are justified, and reconciled to God through the blood of Christ.”
Do you remember the story of Daniel in the lions den? His faith protected him from being torn to shreds by the lions. Then there were his friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego whose faith protected them from the fiery furnace.
Jesus was tempted and yet “knew no sin”. So with God’s help he can help us avoid temptation. 1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us, “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it”.
There are times when temptation gets to us and we wonder if we will make it through. However, by banding together in faith and prayer, just as the Roman soldiers joined their shields, we can strengthen one another up through a difficult situation. After all, we are told “where two or three gather together…”
Do you shod your feet in preparation of the Gospel to shield your faith?