Getting Real with one self
After three years in an abusive relationship and twenty years of bad decisions, I’d come to the end of myself.
I was broken and depressed.
I was grieving over all that had happened. I’d been wronged time and time again. However, I began to realize that while I’d been wronged, I’d also done wrong. I wasn’t perfect and made plenty of mistakes and missteps along the way.
I had to get real with myself. I had to take responsibility for my actions and my part in my relationships.
This wasn’t easy, especially in the beginning. However, a counselor said “stop being a victim and take responsibility. Only then can you become a survivor and move forward.”
Did I want to hear that? No
Did I need to hear that? Yes
So, I accepted my part, owned up to my mistakes and began to get real with myself.
Maybe now I could begin to pull back the layers that had built up over the years.
Photos Courtesy of MorgueFile