Who Are Your True Friends?

Working in healthcare, I often hear people talk about their friends.   Time and again I hear, “while sick I learned who my true friends were.   People I expected to see never came around and some friends I never expected to see were there for me in unexpected ways.”

When we are sick, in need, mourning or suffering a tragedy is often when we discover who

Some friends are for just a short time and others for a lifetime….

our truest friends really are.

We all have those friends who stick by us and then we have those friends that turn on us.  Often, it is the one we least expect that stays or runs but over the course of the situation we discover who are true friends really are.

Some people may not know how to handle a situation, don’t want to be bothered or are unsure what to say when we are hurting or in need.

King Saul tried to kill David on more than one occasion.  Yet, his son Jonathan remained a true friend to David and even assisted him to escape his father.  Jonathan remained a true friend to David and later David repaid the favor in kind to Jonathan’s son.

Friends are there to teach us lessons

Proverbs 18:24 says, “There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.”

When a friend is need are you a true friend there to help and be there for another?  Or do you run as far away as possible?




Often when we are ill we discover who our true friends are Share on X

**Pictures from Pixabay.com

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