When Others Hurt



I recently had a young woman enter my life for a very short time.  On the outside, she was bubbly and outgoing.

But, then I noticed the scars on her arms where she had been cutting herself.  I wondered about the wounds that drove her to such a drastic action. I thought back to the times

We all have unseen scars

when my own pain was so great that I had tried to self-injure.

Sadly, this woman never returned once I noticed.   Although I did not say anything, I wondered if my actions gave me away.

My heart hurt for this young woman and the pain she was suffering.

The only thing I can do is to pray and ask God to work in her life and to provide the healing she needs.  Only He can provide that healing and only He knows her particular needs.

1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast your anxiety on Him, for He cares for you.”

Do you pray for others you see that are hurting?




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*Pictures courtesy of Pixabay.com



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