Wellness Tuesday: Where is the Sodium?

According to Heart.org, approximately 75% of the sodium we eat comes from processed foods and restaurant foods.

Sodium is found in most foods

Sodium is found in most foods

Food labels cannot claim a product is “Healthy” if it has 480mg per labeled serving or more than 600mg per labeled serving dish.

According to the FDA as a general rule:

  • 5% DV or less of sodium per serving is low
  • 20% DV or more of sodium per serving is high


Surprisingly, eating plenty of potassium can help balance out high blood pressure caused by too much sodium.

Some sodium related terminology we may find:

Sodium-FreeLess than 5 milligrams of sodium per serving and contains no sodium chloride
Very Low Sodium35 milligrams or less per serving
Low-Sodium140 milligrams or less per serving
Reduced (or less) sodiumAt least 25 percent less sodium per serving than the usual sodium level
Light (for sodium-reduced products)If the food is “low calorie” and “low fat” and sodium is reduced by at least 50 percent per serving

Light in sodium

If sodium is reduced by at least 50 percent per serving


Are you familiar with these terms?

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