Turning a Negative into a Positive
After years of being degraded and put down, it is difficult to turn turn our thought process around.
However, we can change our thought process. We can take a negative and turn it into a positive.
This is not easy and takes a lot of intentional work. When I was in my darkest places, I wondered if I would ever see the light of day again. But slowly, the light began to seep through and later to shine even brighter.
I had to work hard to turn the negative thoughts and reactions around and make them a positive, but it was worth it.
As one negative is removed, I discovered I opened myself up to a whole world of possibility and opportunity.
Sometimes we can be our greatest enemies and raise our greatest barriers through our thoughts process. But, by pushing through these barriers, being honest with myself and digging deep within myself, I discovered that I could turn things away.
I am reminded the Solomon said “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” {Proverbs 4:23}
What flows from your heart?
We have to change those negative lies to positive reinforcements Share on X