The Apostles: Cleopas
The earlier Christian writer Hegesippus wrote that based on interview he conducted, Cleopas to be the brother of Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus.
The name Cleopas means “glory to the father”.

The only mention of him is found at the end of Luke. Cleopas and another unnamed man are walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus when a newly resurrected Jesus appears to them. They are kept from recognizing Jesus until their eyes are opened when they enjoy a meal together and Jesus breaks the bread. The two men hasten back to tell the disciples. {Luke 24: 13-27}
Some historians believe he may be the same as the wife of Clopas mentioned as standing near the cross. {John 19:25}
We know he was important enough for Jesus to show himself to on the road to Emmaus.
I do truly think the unnamed disciple walking with Cleopas on the road to Emmaus is Cleopas’ wife Mary who is a sister by marriage to Cleopas who is Joseph’s brother. Complicated to word but probably easier to say she was the aunt of Jesus on Jospeh’s side. The two disciples lived in Emmaus which was a good days travel by foot. They were walking when Jesus started talking to them. When they got to where they were going they asked Jesus to stay with them because the day was far spent. That means they lived in the same house and had been walking all day. We know she was at the foot of the cross and at the tomb, was she also on the road to Emmaus and couldn’t recognize Him until He broke bread? I am leaning in that direction after going on a study about what Jesus looked like after He arose from the tomb and I had to find out who this unnamed disciple on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24 was, Thank you for the confirmation. May our Lord Jesus bless you and keep you.
Thank you for sharing. It’s an insight I had not considered before.