Talking Through Our Emotions

When we are hurting we need someone to talk with.  This is even more so when we are in or have just left a traumatic experience.




Often knowing who to trust can be very difficult, but we know that we cannot keep the pain bottled up any longer.

So, who can we talk with?

  1. A friend or family member
  2. Clergy
  3. A support group
  4.  A therapist—many corporations will pay for employees to speak with a therapist about issues in their life. Check with the company where you work to inquire if they have such a policy.

There are times when we need to make sure that the therapist, clergy or support group are people that are qualified to understand our circumstances. Some situations are much easier to understand when you’ve walked in the similar shoes, than when you have never experienced such trauma or pain before.

Do you listen to advice?

The biggest thing is to remember to accept the advice and suggestions that are given.

Proverbs 19:20 says, “Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise.”

And as always, there is one who is always there to listen to us, our Lord and Savior.

Who do you talk through your emotions and turmoil with?


5 people we can discuss our pain with #expression #healing Share on X

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