Mary Magdalene: Witness to the Crucifixion

The next mention we have of Mary Magdalene after Jesus heals her, is of her presence at the crucifixion. Luke 23:49 says, “”women who had followed him from Galilee” standing at a distance”, but does not mentioned these women by name.  However, the other three gospels do mention these women and among them is Mary Magdalene. Matthew 27:56, says, “Among them […]

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Mary Magdalene: Healed by Jesus

In thinking about the story of Easter, there are only a select handful  of people mentioned as having a first hand view of the crucifixion and resurrection.  Mary, the Mother of Jesus is one of those mentioned at these events and with her is Mary of Magda or as we refer to her today, Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene is mentioned at […]

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