Power of Forgiveness: Struggling to Forgive God
Did you know there are times when we grow angry with God?
When Daddy died over 17 years ago, I was angry. He was still so young and had so much going for him and I did not understand. I was angry at God.
I spoke with someone recently, who was angry at God because their child died.
Even as Christians, there are times when things happen that we do not understand and we grow angry at God.
Isaiah records God’s words, “ For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” {Isaiah 55:8-9}
There are times when God allows things to happen that we do not understand and definitely do not like.
But, even when we are angry at him, God would prefer for us to tell him than to become silent with him.
I’ve had times when I’ve become angry with God and I’ve had to work through my emotions and feelings.
Having experienced, both turning from God and turning to God in my anger, I greatly recommend turning to God, no matter how angry we become.
The book of Job, tells the story of a man who went from losing everything to have it. Job cursed the day he was born, but he refused to curse the Lord. {Job 3:1} Job definitely did not like or enjoy the trial he experienced or the sifting he went through. But, he remained faithful and God greatly blessed him.
King David cried out to God, asking why he had abandoned him. {Psalm 22:1-3}
Proverbs 19:11 says, “Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.”
God knows we will be angry with him at times. He just wants us to talk with him about our feelings.
Have you ever been angry at God?