Song Story: If You Know the Lord

George Beverly Shea performed the song “If You Know the Lord.”  He released the song in 1954.

The song was written by Bickley Reichner (1905-1989). I’ve been able to find no additional information on the composer.

Shea served as the vocalists for specials at the Billy Graham Crusades.  He died in 2013 at the age of 104.


  • Jan C Mitchell

    Hi, Leagh. I love old hymns and sacred music from bygone eras. Nothing today compares. My sister and I (both in our 70’s) remember watching a movie in the mid 50’s at our church, Grace Baptist in Decatur, AL, that had this great song (If You Know The Lord) as its theme. It was probably in black and white, and the story was about a group of teens, one of whom was killed in an auto accident, but not before accepting Christ. I’ve never been able to track down any information about that film, but it left a lasting impression on me and my sister. Does anyone else remember it? I was thinking it might possibly have been produced by Bob Jones University, but didn’t locate any record of it.

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