Seasons of Life
I shared about praying about an opportunity that presented itself.
When praying about this situation, the Lord told me “I have you where you are for a reason. However, I am also preparing you for the future and what’s to come.”
I don’t know what the future holds, but the Lord knows and he is preparing me for that time when it does come.
But, I am not where I am by chance but by the design of God. I aim to remind myself daily that I am serving the Lord as I go throughout my day and to ask for his help to be a blessing to all I come into contact with.
I’ll be honest, some days it is much easier to do this than on other days.
I’m not perfect and there are moments when I am overly stressed or discontentment creeps in. But, I remind myself of God’s promises. I am here for a reason. I am there to do what I can to help others.
And all that I do and learn now is preparing me for the future.
We may not always understand God’s reasonings and timings, but it is perfect. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “for everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”
Regardless of what you are going through or the season of life you are in, there is a purpose. You are there for a reason and the Lord is preparing you for what’s to come.
What season of life are you in?
Each chapter is a season of life for us to learn and grow Share on X
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