Armor of God Series: Put on the whole Armor of God

Last week we started our series on the Armor of God.  We discussed what it meant to be strong in the Lord.

Verse 11 says, “put on the whole armour of God.”

The Armor of God

Our Ephesian Studies says, “Clothe yourselves with the panoply, the armour of our God; personally accepting and appropriating the defence which is already yours in Him ; with a view to your being able, as you thus shall be, aye, even you, to stand against the stratagems, the subtle “methods”  the calculated crafts and combinations, of the devil, the diabolos, the dread “Accuser” of the followers of his great Adversary, Christ, always lying in wait for their unreadiness and failure.”

So why do we need to put on the whole armour of God?

The reason is because spiritual warfare is very real.  Satan will do anything he can to trip us up and to cause us to sin, fail or fall down.

The spiritual struggle does not take place on a piece of land or something tangible we can see, but in the invisible and unseen.  Spiritual struggle takes place in the minds,  heart and soul of the individual.

A Commentary on Ephesians describes, “armour includes both the defensive and the

Do you put on the Armor of God?

offensive armour of the soldier. The believer has not only to defend himself, but also to attack his spiritual enemies; and the latter is as necessary for his safety as the former. The whole armour of God means that armour which God has provided, and which he gives. Thus we are taught from the outset that as the strength we need is not from ourselves.”
By putting on the whole armor God offers we are able to withstand Satan’s attacks. 

The armour we are to put on is not physical armour, but our spiritual armour.

Do you put on the armour of God?

One comment

  • Athena Sherwood

    I love that your knight image includes a cloak and greaves (leg guards). I included those as extra armor pieces to teach the kids (Greaves of Prayer and Cloak of Humility) based on Ephesians 6:18 and 2 Chronicles 7:14.

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