Pray for the Hurting
When I was hurting, I was lost in myself.
Later, I discovered that numerous friends and family were praying for me.
When a loved one is hurting, often it is difficult to know what to do.
I was too stubborn and hard headed to listen to advice that was given.
Sadly, I had to learn the hard way and on my own.
But, my loved ones gave me the best gift possible. They gave me their prayers.
Often it’s easy to wonder if our prayers are doing any good or making a difference.
Yet, Matthew 21:22 tells us “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”
So, if you have a loved one that is hurting take the time to pray for them. Lift them before the throne of God one a daily basis.
I had some difficult situations that I don’t believe I would have survived if it were not for the prayers of others.
Do you pray for the hurting?