Do Not Worry About Tomorrow

Recently, I had a huge decision to make.  However, I found myself worrying.

I worried about a variety of scenarios that may take place.  But, none of them have.

If they do, God has proven time and again to me that He will provide.

Still, I find myself worrying about the future.

Statistics prove that we worry about 85% of things that will never happen.

Jesus himself said, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”  {Matthew 6:34}

We are told that the Lord cares for the birds of the air.  He then goes on to say that we are more valuable than the birds.

So, if God promises to care for us, then why do we continue to worry?

All I can say is that we are human and it is difficult to see beyond our present needs and circumstances.

As the popular hymn says, “many things about tomorrow, I don’t seem to understand.  But, I know who holds tomorrow and I know who holds my hand.”

Who holds your hand?


Jesus said not to worry about tomorrow but allow it to take care of itself Share on X


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