Make us Stronger

Several months ago, we had someone at work that was making life extremely difficult.  No matter what my department did to help this person, it was never enough or good enough.

This was very frustrating and stressful at the time, especially considering it came from someone we were close with.

God’s uses situations to make us stronger

One day, in the midst of trial, my mentor reminded me “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.  We should be thankful for this trial and the character it is building within us.”

Be thankful?  Are you crazy?

David suffered many trials.  He lived on the run for {almost} a decade from a crazy king, trying to kill him.

But, through this time the Lord was preparing him to become king.

David said “With my voice I cry out to the Lord; with my voice I plead for mercy to the Lord.  I pour out my complaint before him; I tell my trouble before him.”   {Psalm 142:1-2}

As the Lord was preparing David during his time on the run, we never know how the Lord is preparing our current situation to make us stronger for the future.

How has the Lord made you stronger and prepared you for the future?


The Lord uses our trials to make us stronger Share on X

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