Lifting Others Up in Prayer

I see a variety of needs and pain in my day to day interaction with others.

  • I see people in intense physical pain

    There are a variety of needs we see on a daily basis that need prayer

  • Cries of agony from emotional distress
  • Faces twisted in anger
  • Attitudes that are dismissive and superior
  • Attitudes that are indigent and aggravated
  • People that just long to be left alone
  • Individuals smiling through the pain
  • People that cover their troubles with laughter


Just as there are a variety of people, there are also a variety of struggles, pains, and issues they deal with. With each of these, I see a variety of reactions and attitudes.

There are times when my heart breaks for these individuals.  I often find myself wondering what lead these individuals to this point in their lives.  What events lead to their disposition and attitude toward life.

I don’t have the answers, but I know the person that does.  The Lord knows. 

I often don’t know how to help these individuals other than to provide a kind smile and listening ear.  But, regardless of their beliefs, I can silently pray for them and lift them up to the Father.

Ephesians 6:18 says, “With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints.”

Regardless of what is going on with others, we can lift them up and pray for them.  The Lord knows better than we do how to assist them.

Do you lift others up in prayer?


God calls us to lift others up through intercessory prayer Share on X

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