Power of Forgiveness: Forgiveness heals

Last week, we discussed when we cannot forgive.  But, did you know there are health benefits of forgiveness?

Forgiveness heals and can bring healing.

After I left my abusive relationship, I struggled with forgiveness and it was very slow in coming.  It took me several years to reach forgiveness.  Each day, I prayed and asked God’s help to help me to forgive.

I also journaled and poured out my feelings, releasing them from the prison they sought closed up within my soul.

I discovered that forgiveness can:

  • Make me free
  • Free me from painful memories
  • Is best when justice is left with God
  • Repair relationships {in some, but not all situations}
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Reduce symptoms of depression
  • Lessen anxiety, stress and hostility
  • Improve my mindset
  • Lead to better relationships


In the Lord’s prayer, the first thing we are told to do after seeking God is to “forgive those that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation from sin.  For if you forgive others when they sin against you, then your heavenly Father will also forgive you.   But, if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”  {Matthew 6:9-15}

Forgiveness can heal, but we have to seek it and work towards it.

Are you seeking forgiveness?


When we are willing to forgive, healing takes place Share on X

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