Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness

I have had periods in my life when I was faithful and other periods when I was stubborn, hard headed and rebellious.   When I was a rebel, my life ended up in shambles around my feet.  When I was faithful, God was faithful right back to me.

So, what is faithfulness? describes faithfulness as:

  1. Strict or thorough in the performance of duty
  2. True to one’s word, promises, vow, etc.
  3. Steady in allegiance; loyal constant
  4. Reliable, trusted, believing

In life, we discover that we need to be faithful to our family, friends, place of employment, etc.  However, only when we have been betrayed do we understand the pain of unfaithfulness.  Yet, how many of us are unfaithful to one or more of these causes?

Zechariah and Elisabeth were faithful to God

Faithfulness is wholeheartedly committing to something or someone, whether it be marriage, God, etc.

The root of the Greek word for faith {pistis} is to persuade or be persuaded which supplies the core meaning of faith as being “divine persuasion”, received from God, and never generated by man.”

Barnes’ Notes on the New Testament says, “The word here may be used in the sense of fidelity, and may denote that the Christian will be a faithful man-a man faithful to his word and promises; a man who can be trusted or confided in. It is probable that the word is used in this sense because the object of the apostle is not to speak of the feelings

Elkanah and Hannah were faithful to God

which we have towards God, so much as to illustrate the influences of the Spirit in directing and controlling our feelings towards men. True religion makes a man faithful. The Christian is faithful as a man; faithful as a neighbour, friend, father, husband, son. He is faithful to his contracts; faithful to his promises. No man can be a Christian who is not thus faithful; and all pretensions to being under the influences of the Spirit, when such fidelity does not exist, are deceitful and vain.”
So, what does scripture say about faithfulness?


  1. I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love.                     Ephesians 3:16-17
  2. OLord, You are my God.

    How has the Lord been faithful to you?

    I will exalt You,
    I will praise Your name,
    For You have done wonderful things
    Your counsels of old are faithfulness and                                   Isaiah 25:1

  3. looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.                       Hebrews 12:2
  4. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that disbelieveth shall be condemned. Mark 16:16
  5. Pray without ceasing 1 Thessalonians 5:17


To whom are you faithful?


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