Hall of Faith: Ezekiel, Saw the Future

As we have discussed, the Hall of Fame in Hebrews 11, refers to those that have visions.

Ezekiel had visions from God

Ezekiel is a prophet that had visions, just as Joseph and Daniel had visions.

The name Ezekiel means God strengthens.

The story of Ezekiel is found in the book with his name in the Old Testament. The book contains many of his visions, which can become very perplexing at times.

Ezekiel grew up in Jerusalem and served as a priest in the temple. He was among the second group of captives taken to Babylon. While in Babylon, he becomes a prophet of God. {Ezekiel 1-3}

God refers to Ezekiel time and again as the son of man throughout the book of Ezekiel. “And he said unto me, Son of man, stand upon thy feet, and I will speak unto thee.” {Ezekiel 2:1}

Ezekiel prophesied about the future

Ezekiel is a contemporary of Jeremiah. Just as his counterpart, he endured considerable opposition in his lifetime.

Ezekiel prophesied about judgment on the nation of Judah, as well as hope for their future.

In Ezekiel 33:8-9, God says “If I say to the wicked, O wicked one, you shall surely die, cand you do not speak to warn the wicked to turn from his way, that wicked person shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, that person shall die in his iniquity, but you will have delivered your soul.” God is telling him that he will be held accountable for everyone that dies and for their sins, if he does not share the message of punishment if they do not follow God.

In the first half of the book of Ezekiel, he delivers prophecies against Judah and Jerusalem.

Ezekiel tried to warn the people of their disobedience and God’s judgement

{Chapters 4-24}. In chapters 16 and 23, he portrays Jerusalem as God’s wife, a once faithful wife now abandoning her family for other men.

Ezekiel’s prophecy of the dry bones {Chapter 37} portrays a picture of the new life that will be breathed into the nation of Israel, when Christ returns to earth for his Millennial reign.

The dry bones were not the only visions and prophecies Ezekiel had about the second coming of Christ. He also had visions of the New Temple {Chapters 40-43}, the Millennium {Chapter 44}, the New Jerusalem {Chapter 48}, and the restored land to bring unity to Israel and Judah {Chapter 47}.

Ezekiel is established as a watchman in Chapter 33. He not only watches over the people but he also encourages them.

Time and again Ezekiel steadfastly followed God’s instructions.

Ezekiel and the dry bones

So, what can we learn from Ezekiel?

  1. He was called by God

  2. He followed God’s instructions

  3. He received visions of events to come

  4. He was often criticized for his actions

  5. He endured great opposition

  6. He remained faithful to God


Ezekiel saw the future #HallofFaith Share on X

Ezekiel belongs in the Hall of Faith because of his obedience. He received visions and endured great opposition, but he remained steadfast on his course.

Even today, Ezekiel’s words and prophecies hold true. The one thing we know for sure is that one day, Jesus will return and with it will come judgment for all mankind.

Do you choose to live for the Lord or with the world?


Pictures from FreeBibleImages.org

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