Enduring Love

Working with the elderly, I often encounter couples that have been married for 50, 60, or 70+ years.

The couples are as different as the individuals themselves.

Some of them have grown apart and rarely spend time together.

However, I’ve noticed that the majority still enjoy being together. Many enjoy just sitting together quietly, enjoying one another’s company and presence.

There is one couple, who shares a room.   The couple is happy being beside one another and happy as long as they are together.

How do you treat others?

One day, he began to cough, and I was touched when she reached over and patted his hand until he stopped.

She couldn’t do anything else other than pat his hand, but she was providing the only type of comfort she was able.

After two failed and abusive relationships, I don’t know if I will ever find love again.  What I do know is that if I do ever find love again, I want this enduring and lasting love.

After that many decades together, many ups and downs have been endured.  However, it takes a great commitment and tenacity to endure and overcome all of the hills and curves that life throws in our way along the way.

Paul wrote in Ephesians 4:2 “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”

To have such a long and enduring love we have to be gentle, humble and patient.  But above all we have to bear with one another through all of the ups and downs and do it in love.

How long have you been with your enduring love?  Or, what characteristics do you search for in the pursuit of enduring love?


We all want that enduring #love that last a lifetime Share on X

**Pictures from Pixabay.com

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