His Kind of Love: Encourage one another
Whether you hang out with a group of friends or on social media you will see individuals encouraging one another while others tear down one another.
Tearing down and destroying is destructive. On the other hand, encouraging and building up in constructive.
Hebrews 3:13 tells us to “encourage one another daily.”
When I was in an abusive relationship, I did not hear a word of encouragement in those three years. This made me realize just how important and powerful encouragement is.
I strive to be encouraging to myself and others in my life on a daily basis. However, there are still plenty of times when I am not as encouraging or positive as I should be and
I continue to strive to be more encouraging.
Liz Curtis Higgs says, “In Greek, parakaleó paints a vivid picture of someone who walks close beside you and calls out encouraging words—while you do the same. Together you “admonish, urge” (AMPC), and “keep each other on your toes” (MSG). Not just occasionally, but “every day…as long as there is still time” (NIRV). There’s still time, beloved. Let’s spend it well.”
Do you encourage others? How do you lift others up?