Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayers


When I was in my abusive situation, I called out to God for three years.

At times, I wondered where He was and if He even cared about me.

Are you waiting on God?

I was slowly broken down and stripped of all pride, indignity, and desires.

Only when I was completely broken and able to humble myself at the throne of God and surrender all of my life to him {especially my toxic relationship} was he able to begin to work and move.

He did not answer my request to be free of the relationship immediately, but He did begin to open my eyes and heart to His truths and how toxic the situation had become.

Only was the situation was irrevocability broken down with no hopes for restoration, was the Lord able to work, remove me from that toxicity and begin the healing and restoration process.

Why did He take so long?

Do you wait patiently for God to work? It’s not always easy, but is what He ask us to do.

  • He had to teach me a lesson
  • He had to wait for me to break
  • He had to wait until I was ready
  • He had to wait until I humbled myself before Him


Psalm 55:22 says,  “Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.”

Time and again I called out to Him and He heard and protected me.  Looking back, I see how He protected me during those three years, but I didn’t see it then.

So, when it seems that God isn’t answering your prayers, He hears them {if you’re a believer}.  He’s just waiting for you to learn the lesson.

What lessons have God made you wait for?


Sometimes the Lord says to #wait even though we want answers now Share on X

*Pictures courtesy of Pixabay.com

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