Domestic Violence Series—Child Abuse

We’ve been primarily talking about domestic violence, but this month I want to shine a light on three other types of abuse and the fourth week, we’re going to look at a different slant on domestic violence. According to, “Child abuse is the physical, sexual or emotional maltreatment or neglect of a child or children.” According to the US Department […]

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Barriers to Leaving An Abusive Relationship

We’ve discussed why women stay, but what are some of the barriers the abuser may put in place to prevent the victim from leaving? I can tell you that the average woman leaves seven times before she stays gone for good.  I lost track of the number of times I left. I know there were at least three serious attempts […]

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Topic Monday: Domestic Violence Series –Protective Strategies Victims Use

Last week we discussed coping mechanisms victims used in an abusive relationship.  Along those same lines, victims often find ways to protect themselves or their children from an outburst of violence. Some of these are: Fighting back or defying the abuser Sending children to a family member or neighbor’s home Leaving a relationship Complying or placating the abuser Lying about […]

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Topic Monday: Domestic Violence Series –Coping Mechanisms

During my abusive relationship, I withdrew into myself for a long time.  Although others tried to warn me of what was happening, I refused to see or acknowledge the hell I was living in. Some coping mechanisms victims use are: Depression Emotional withdrawal Denial Anger Apprehension Helplessness Anxiety Fear Aggression Suicide Hyper vigilance Change in eating patterns {either eats too […]

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Topic Monday: Living Through The Cycle of Violence

We’ve been discussing domestic violence and one important factor of an abusive relationship is the cycle of violence.  This cycle happens hundreds of times in an abusive relationship.  At first the cycle may happen very slowly lasting as much as a year or more.  However, in my experience, the more often abuse happens the faster this cycle will move.  This […]

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Topic Monday: 7 Types of Domestic Violence

Often when we hear domestic violence, we think of physical violence such as hitting, pushing, shoving, punching, kicking or grabbing.  However, there are many other types of violence that falls under the heading of domestic violence.  Let’s take a lot at these: Emotional Abuse is constant criticism and belittling, silent treatment, name calling, insults, emotions to induce guilt and repeatedly […]

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A Deadly Epidemic

Domestic abuse is a deadly epidemic.  Not a week goes by that the news is not filled with a story about a woman {and occasionally even a man} that was murdered by her spouse.  Often the news fills with stories of police having been called to the residence multiple times in the past over various issues.       According to the […]

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