Armor of God series: Breastplate of righteousness
Last week, we discussed the importance of truthfulness and to gird our loins with truth.
The next part of armour in the Lord is the breastplate of righteousness.
Without righteousness we are opening ourselves up to Satan’s attacks.
The first step of righteousness is to repent and be forgiven of our sins. This also calls for us to do what God deems as right and would have us to do.
The breastplate was used to cover the front torso and vital organs for the early Roman soldier. Without the breastplate the soldier was naked and exposing himself to the enemy.
The interesting thing about the breastplate is there is no protection to the soldier’s back. This was because soldiers were trained not to turn their backs on the enemy or to retreat. For the Christian, this means we should never surrender to the devil, but to stand fast.
Isaiah 11:5 describes the coming Messiah as “’Righteousness shall be the belt around his waist, and faithfulness the belt around his waist.’”
Do you remember when Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days and the devil tempted him? Jesus said, “Then Jesus said to him, ‘Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ Then the devil left Him”. {Matthew 4:10-11}
Righteousness means to obey God’s love. By obeying God’s love we can experience victory against the devil in battle, because we know Jesus covers our heart. Through his blood on the cross we are forgiven.
Isaiah says that our iniquities or sins have separated us from God. He goes on to say when we sin we move ourselves farther away from God. In Isaiah 59:17 we are told that “God himself puts on righteousness as a breastplate”