Begin with Baby Steps
After two months of hurting and barely making it through each day, I realized that life goes on.

Slowly begin to join life again in small steps
I had a loved one that prompted me to move back into society.
No, I didn’t jump in with both feet. Honestly, I took it one baby step at a time. I slowly made decisions about how to being living again.
To others this may seem like a slow process, but for me it was the best I could do at the time.
This re-integration included:
- Counseling—I found a counselor and began to receive the help I needed
By putting one step in front of the other we are taking baby steps toward s healing
- Support Group—in addition to counseling I also found a support group to attend each week. Sharing with others that had been through similar situations really helped me to open up and share what I was feeling and experiencing.
- Family Time—I began to spend more time with the family and repair broken bonds.
- Church—I attended church services and allowed the music and word of God to speak to my broken spirit.
- Volunteer Work—I wasn’t up to working yet, but started out by volunteering. I discovered it felt good to help others in need.
- Part Time Work—when the time came to search for a job, I wasn’t ready for a full time job in a corporation. I began by finding freelance and part time work as I reintegrated myself back into society.
There were days when life was a blur, but I continued to put one foot in front of the other.
What baby steps have you taken?