A Childhood of Depression
Depression has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.
For years I thought something was wrong with me because I had a perpetual state of sadness that seemed to hang over me.
However, a better understanding of personalities helps me to understand that melancholy is my dominant personality state. This is part of my genetic makeup. But, I have chosen not to allow depression to define me.
Since childhood I have been extremely creative. Only through discussions with Mama in the last few years, have I began to understand how much of this was squelched as a child. This wasn’t done purposely, but when I wanted to show off and express my latest skills or talents, I had some family members that had no interest
So, to deal I began to bury those skills and talents.
Moving around in those formative years did not help. The opportunity to find a school or group to become involved with that would nurture my abilities and self-esteem were non-existent.
So without realizing it I was hiding behind the shell I’d built around myself.
Photo Courtesy of MorgueFile