A Caring Friend

There are so many times when we are hurting that we want to pour out our heart.  We seem to tell anyone and everyone that will listen about our troubles and woes.

I’ve been guilty of that and I’ve seen it happen in others, even when the situation was not appropriate.

We all need a caring friend to listen, comfort us and provide guidance and wisdom.

However, friends are human and often grow tired of hearing the same story or situation repeated time and time again.  In time, that friend may start to grow distant, because they cannot understand the situation or stand to hear about what happened one more time.

Psalm 34:17 says, “The righteous call to the Lord, and he listens; he rescues them from all their troubles.”

The Lord is ready to listen even when no one else can or will.  The Lord is a caring friend and he never grows tired of hearing our trials, troubles and pains.

Who do you turn to in your pain?


We all need a caring friend when we are #heartbroken Share on X

*Pictures courtesy of Pixabay.com

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