Wellness Tuesday: 9 Ways to Keep New Year’s Resolution
We’re staring at a New Year and with that comes New Year’s Resolutions. Numerous people pledge to lose weight each year and then two weeks later have returned to their old habits.
Losing weight isn’t a resolution something to be taken lightly. To keep this resolution, we are looking at making lifestyle changes.
So what are some ways we can keep these resolutions:
- Be realistic about what can and can’t be done and create a plan from there
- Find an accountability partner to talk with and share or join a weight loss support group {Celebrate Recovery, First Place 4 Health, The Daniel Plan or Weight Watchers}
- Make a list of pros and cons to stay motivated and discover any landmines in advance
- Reward yourself with something other than food
- Make tiny changes. Even if we change one thing each week, a year later we’ve made 52 changes.
- Track progress. MyFitnessPal and SparksPeople provide free online journals.
- Don’t give up—we all have setbacks and bad days. Don’t beat yourself up or give up. Just get back on track.
- Keep Trying—eventually we will see success and results.
- Seek God’s help—pray and ask God for help in fighting this battle.
How have you kept your resolutions to lose weight?