Wellness Tuesday:10 Reasons Support Groups Are Important

I’ve told you about my First Place 4 Health group in the past.  They are a great bunch of girls and offer a world of encouragement.

However, I’ve moved and don’t get to see them each week the way I’d like to.

I’m saddened that so far I’ve not found a new group in my area.

Yet, I’m thankful that I can stay in touch with my original group through the Facebook group we have set up.

I’ve even discussed with a few members the possibility of joining in by Skype, if the logistics can be worked out.support

I’ve discovered that support groups are important, because:

  1. They encourage me when I’m not motivated
  2. They understand my struggles
  3. We are friends
  4. They don’t judge my actions
  5. They understand when others don’t
  6. We love one another unconditionally
  7. They provide tips and suggestions I may not have thought about
  8. We are there to help one another and lift each other up
  9. We are all in this together
  10. They are a blessing from God


How have support groups been beneficial to you?


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