Faithful Heroes: John Wesley

John Wesley is considered the father of Methodism. However, his religious training began as a young child under the tutelage of his mother, Susanna. John Wesley was born on June 18, 1703 in Epworth, England. He was the fifteenth child born to Samuel and Susanna Wesley. His mother is described as “She was a woman of deep piety and brought […]

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Behind the Hymn: Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages was written by Reverend Augustus Montague Toplady in 1763. The song was first published in The Gospel Magazine in 1775. Rev. Toplady father died when he was a child. He was sixteen when he accepted Christ while on a trip to Ireland, however he’d already been preaching for four years and writing hymns for two years. His […]

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Behind the Hymn: All Hail the Power of Jesus Name

Edward Perronet was born in 1726 England, the grandson of a French immigrant.  He followed in his father’s footsteps and entered the ministry. He became close friends with John and Charles Wesley, eventually leaving the Church of England and becoming a traveling Methodist minister. One story about Perronet says that Wesley encouraged him {Perronet} to preach, but he was resistant.  […]

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