God Has a Plan

              I recently overheard a conversation in which the person said, “I’m ready to die. I want to see Jesus.” My heart broke for this individual, but as I listened I discovered the individual was in so much physical pain that she was willing herself to give up. Thankfully, she was talking with a […]

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On Eagle Wings

On one of my trips recently, I saw surprised to see a beautiful eagle flying among the trees.  His wings were outstretched as he soared among the tree.  He was such a beautiful sight, freely flying in his natural habitat. I was immediately reminded of the following passage: “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they […]

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From Rebel to Redeemed

Are you Rebellious?

Have you ever thought that you knew better than God? I spent a lifetime thinking I knew best and refusing to even consult him on matters. When I first met my ex, God tried to get my attention. He and everyone else wanted to warn me that I was being deceived, but I refused to hear it. Short of striking […]

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Desires of the Heart

Have you ever wanted something so bad you could taste it? Then you wonder why you can’t have it? I know I have! I grew up knowing my parents loved one another. I saw it in the way they interacted. Of course as an adolescent I was embarrassed that my parents still held hands and would kiss one another good […]

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