For Teens
Leagh has a heart for helping teen girls avoid the same mistakes she’s made.
She is available for teen conferences and retreats, mother and daughter banquets and other gatherings of teenagers.
Looking for Love in All of the Wrong Places
Every little girl dreams of her wedding day. Leagh was one of those, but along the way she fell in love with the wrong men, dealt with lies, abuse, depression and never fulfilled her dream of a family. Leagh shares her story, lessons on self esteem and loneliness, and putting her faith in a great power even when things weren’t going her way.
Star Gazing: Finding Healthy Role Models in a Celebrity Driven Society
In this day and age we have numerous positive and negative role models available to us. Often we look to celebrities to be our role models. Leagh has discovered that her greatest role models are in the women that have entered and left her life in her day to day interaction.
The Prodigal Daughter: From Rebel to Redeemed
Leagh talks about her own years of rebellion before finally surrendering to God and how she had to be broken before being redeemed. She talks honestly about the decisions she’s made in life and the consequences they’ve brought, including her battle with her weight.
The Perils of Online Dating: Beware of Catfish {Predators}
Times have changed and we have to learn to change with them. Today we have to beware of predators not only on the street, but also online. For years Leagh was ashamed of the way she was misled by an online involvement and the abuse this eventually led to. Imagine her surprise when she discovered that there was a term for what happened and she’d been the prey for a catfish.
Reach For the Stars: Grabbing Hold of Your Dreams and Making Them A Reality
Your dreams are reachable, but to attain them you need a plan. Before you know it, your teen years will be behind you and college and adulthood will be before you. Leagh wishes that she had prepared better and stuck with her plan when she was in high school. She shares her struggles through her 20s and 30s and shares tips on planning for a successful future.
Living A Life of Honor
God calls us to show honor to ourselves, our parents and to Him. However, we live in a society that wants us to honor our desires and wants. Leagh shares her struggles that crept up with her weight, finances and overall life when she refused to honor these three. She shares lessons learned and a plan to live a life that glorifies the person God created you to be, your parents and God himself.
Music Heals: Using the arts to Ward off the Stressors in Life
Teenagers are just as stressed today, as teens. With social networking, mass shooting and bullying in the formost of their mind they have pressures older generations did not have at that age. Leagh focuses on the benefits and healing power of music and the other arts to ward off the stressors that enter our day to day life.
***Other topics available upon request