Wellness Tuesday: Tracking What You Eat

For years Mama worked various eating plans, such as First Place 4 Health and Weight Watchers.  She would discuss the importance of tracking what you eat.  She kept a journal and print out pages that she religiously filled out each day.

I didn’t want to hear this and felt that it was more work than it was worth.

In recent years this has been made easier, with several online site that are now dedicated to tracking what you eat.  I finally decided to try tracking my eating habits.

Digital Food and Exercise Tracker

Digital Food and Exercise Tracker

What I discovered in tracking what I ate:

  1. I discover how many calories are in each food
  2. I realize that some foods aren’t worth eating {or in extremely limited quantity}
  3. I am holding myself accountable to enter my foods
  4. I am able to enter my food count within just moments
  5. I can challenge myself to do better than I have been
  6. I can also track my exercise and the number of calories burned
  7. I am able to set goals and track how far until I reach my set goal

Two sites that I really like for tracking my food intake are MyFitnessPal and SparksPeople.  Both of these websites have no fees for signing up and using their numerous features.

What online food trackers do you use?



The Importance of Tracking What You Eat

Tracking What You Eat for Weight Loss

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