Behind the Hymn: The Solid Rock

The Solid Rock or My Hope is Built on Nothing Less was written by Edward Mote.  He was a

Edward Mote

pastor at Rehoboth Baptist Church in Horsham, West Essex, England.

Mote was born in 1797 and trained to be a cabinet maker.  At the age of 50, he entered the ministry.  When offered the church building as a gift, Mote replied “I do not want the chapel, I only want the pulpit; and when I cease to preach Christ, then turn me out of that.”

Mote died in 1874 and is buried in the churchyard where he preached.  He wrote over 100 songs during his lifetime.

My Hope is Built on Nothing Less was written in 1834.

The basis for the hymn was the parable by Jesus of the Wise and Foolish Builders.

The song was originally published anonymously in the 1837 Hymns of Praise, A New Selection of Gospel Hymns, Combining All the Excellencies of our Spiritual Poets, with Many Originals.  The original title the hymn was published under was  “The Immutable Basis for a Sinner’s Hope”.

The hymn became very popular and has been covered many times.

The Solid Rock remains one of Mote’s best loved hymns.

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