Lessons from King David: Rape of Tamar

The ramifications of David’s sin with Bathsheba had long reaching power.

David did nothing to his sons

David had a daughter named Tamar. Her half-brother, Amnon, was so in love with her that he could not stop thinking about her.

So, he devised a plan and pretended to be sick.

Amnon asked David, his father, to send Tamar in to care for him. When she went in to Amnon and finished cooking his meal, he raped her.

She begged with him not to do such a thing, but he ignored her.

“No sooner had Amnon raped her than he hated her—an immense hatred. The hatred that he felt for her was greater than the love he’d had for her.” {2 Samuel 13:15}

Tamar went to her brother, Absalom, who told her not to do anything. She lived in his home and became “bitter and desolate”. {2 Samuel 13:20}

“King David heard the whole story and was enraged, but he didn’t discipline Amnon. David doted on him because he was his firstborn.” {2 Samuel 13:21}

Absalom told Tamar to say nothing

David was angry and enraged at his son.

But, he did NOTHING!!! He should have defended his daughter’s honor but he didn’t.

David doted on his firstborn son and expected him to succeed him. So, instead of taking action, he brushed it under the carpet and ignored what happened.

If he’d taken action, he may have avoided more heartache later on.

Two years pass by and nothing is said about the situation. Everyone goes on with their own lives.

Absalom has Amnon killed and then Absalom flees.

Initially, King David is told that all of his sons are dead and he “ripped his clothes to shreds and threw himself on the floor” {2 Samuel 13:30} but word soon comes that only Amnon

Absalom killed Amnon for raping his sister

is dead.

“David mourned the death of his son a long time…Absalom fled…he was there three years…The king finally gave up trying to get back at Absalom. He had come to terms with Amnon’s death.” {2 Samuel 13:36-39}

David initially chased and tried to take revenge on one son for another son’s death.

All of this may have been avoided if David had taken action when Amnon raped Tamar. Instead, that anger and hatred bubbled and boiled into an even greater tragedy and conflict.

I’ve never enjoyed confrontation. I long to keep the peace, but discovered when I was in my abusive situation that there are times when you can’t sweep things under the carpet because they only continue to escalate until they blow up.

By sweeping the rape of Tamar under the carpet and not dealing with it, the entire situation blew up in David’s face. Sadly, it was only going to get worse.

Do you sweep situations under the carpet or do you deal with them?


David ignored the situation when his son raped his daughter, Tamar Share on X

**Pictures from FreeBibleImages.org

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