Praying for others

Recently, I had a very strong desire to pray for a loved one.

I knew of some difficult times this individual was going through, but not the exact circumstances in that moment.  I may never know, but God knows.  The Lord used me as a vessel to pray and intercede for this loved one when he may not have been able to

We are encouraged to pray for others

himself.  The Lord knew how to comfort this individual where I didn’t.

There have been many times when I later learned others were praying for me during a difficult situation and I know it made all the difference.

We may not always agree with or approve of a situation in another person’s life, but we can always pray for them.  We are promised that our prayers do not go unanswered.

John 9:31 says, “”We know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is God-fearing and does His will, He hears him.”

God hears the prayers of believers.  We may not always like his answer at the moment, but He does hear us and He is working.  Often it’s just in ways we do not understand or see.

How do you pray for others?


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