Joy in the Fruit of the Spirit

Depression can destroy our self esteem and lives...

Depression can destroy our self esteem and lives…

The opposite of depression is joy.

We live in a world that says it should be all about “me, me, me.”  However, true joy comes from caring for others and putting them first.

Joy is the second fruit of the spirit listed.

True joy can only be obtained with God’s help.  This is the joy that is the deep,

But with God's help and guidance healing can be found

But with God’s help and guidance healing can be found

everlasting soul joy.  This is the joy that is unselfish and permanent, regardless of the temporary demands surrounding us.

Recognizing our blessings and having a heart that is grateful, encouraging and appreciative are small steps in finding that deep abiding joy.

God wants only the best for us.  Seeking His wisdom and will in all things will help us to find that joy.

...before transforming into a beautiful butterfly, spreading our wings and soaring

…before transforming into a beautiful butterfly, spreading our wings and soaring

John 15:11: The fullness of joy comes to those who continue in the love of Christ and obey Him.

Having joy is a choice.  We can choose to live in darkness or in light.

Each day and each step toward healing is about making choices to live in God’s joy.

Psalm 16:11: “You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”


Photos Courtesy of MorgueFile

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